Mashed Cauliflower

Double dog dare you to try this mashed cauliflower 😉 Paleo friendly and a totally delicious addition to weeknight meals with minimal ingredients!

Double dog dare you to try this mashed cauliflower ;) Paleo friendly and a totally delicious addition to weeknight meals with minimal ingredients!

The rumors are true, my meat-loving boyfriend Tyler did in fact say that he would “pay $20 for this mashed cauliflower if was on the menu at a restaurant”. TWENTY WHOLE DOLLHAIRS!! You KNOW it’s gotta be good then, right?!

Now listen, I know that mashed cauliflower gets a bad rap. People often use it as a low carb alternative to mashed potatoes, and that upsets some people. I get it. Let me set the record straight by saying: mashed cauliflower is never going to be mashed potatoes, and that is OKAY. I’m a firm believer that the two can co-exist in perfect harmony.

Oftentimes people go low carb to lose weight or help manage diabetes, and to a degree that is beneficial. As a clinical dietitian, I have lost count of the number of times I’ve had a diabetic patient tell me that their doctor told them to “avoid white foods because they are carbs”……of which potatoes always make the list.

But like…cauliflower is white, right?!

Ha. All jokes aside, it genuinely makes me sad to hear from patients who have been told to avoid some of their most favorite foods (most of which are carbs)….I live in the south, remember? How do you tell someone from the south to NOT eat mashed potatoes?!

Rather than completely avoiding all white foods or severely limiting carb intake, I encourage portion control and a balanced plate. The truth of the matter is, many Americans kiiiindof are over-consuming carbs, in a way that is out of balance with the other two macronutrients (protein and fat). On top of that, many Americans are over-consuming what we call “refined” carbs, or carbs that have been stripped of many important nutrients like fiber and some vitamins/minerals. Think white bread, chips, cookies, packaged snack foods, ice cream, french fries, pizza, SODA, SWEET TEA, mocha frappucinos, and so on.

For most of y’all tuning into this blog post that follow me on IG, you probably already have a good understanding of health and nutrition. You likely aren’t drinking a 2L of Mountain Dew per day, frequenting fast food restaurants multiple times a day or relying heavily on prepackaged, processed foods day in and day out, all while doing little to no physical activity. HOWEVER, that is the reality of a large portion of the American population. And you see it, day in and day out in the healthcare field.

And most of the time, it isn’t their fault. Most of the time, they lack the education, the knowledge and awareness of what their food choices mean for their overall health. That’s where I come in 🙂 to give them a fresh, uplifting perspective on what “healthy eating” can be. Does it require some changes? Yes, SOME changes will need to be made. But, I will always meet a patient where they are at, and work to find ways they can still enjoy their favorite foods, yet work to improve their health.

Double dog dare you to try this mashed cauliflower ;) Paleo friendly and a totally delicious addition to weeknight meals with minimal ingredients!

…….OMG okay soooo, sorry for that tangent/soap box moment *nervous laugh*. Can you tell I’m like, fairly passionate about nutrition and the health of those around me?

All that to say, carbs are not inherently bad. Mashed potatoes aren’t inherently bad! BUT, if you are looking to mix up your usual recipe rotation, I HIGHLY suggest this mashed cauliflower — SUPER easy, and full of flavor. Thank me later 🙂

Serves: 3
Time: 25 min

1 head cauliflower, chopped
1 tbsp grass-fed ghee
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp dried dill
Sea salt and ground pepper, to taste

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil
  2. Wash and roughly chop cauliflower, then add to boiling water and cook until fork tender, roughly 10ish min.
  3. While cauliflower boils, heat ghee in a skillet; add in minced garlic and sauté until fragrant.
  4. Drain cauliflower and transfer to a food processor or high process blender with sea salt, fresh ground pepper, ghee, garlic and dried dill; blend until smooth. Add in 1 tablespoon of water used to boil cauliflower to thin to desired consistency as needed.

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Mashed Cauliflower

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