Mashed Acorn Squash + The Start of 2016

This Mashed Acorn Squash is an equally delicious and delightful alternative to mashed sweet potatoes – perfect for fall or winter meals!

This Mashed Acorn Squash is an equally delicious and delightful alternative to mashed sweet potatoes - perfect for fall or winter meals!

Well, whether we like it or not, 2016 has arrived! I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to see the unfolding of a new year. I know that January 1st doesn’t technically bring anything more “new” with it compared to December 1st or July 1st, but just the thought of a new year starting brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation with it…at least to me. 

At the beginning of last year, I picked up one of those “One Line A Day” journals at Barnes & Noble to chronicle my first year out of college and in the “real world”. I thought it would be a quick and easy way to keep track of daily highs and lows, achievements and setbacks, and any other major milestones I hit through the year. One year ago today was my first day of work at WIC – talk about a milestone.

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1/2/15: my first day in the real world as a WIC nutritionist!

I don’t have to look back through my journal to realize that 2015 was a big year of change for me. Through starting (and quitting) my first real world job, moving to a new and unfamiliar city, beginning my dietetic internship, and dealing with other personal changes and challenges, I’ve come to realize that whether I like it or not, good or bad, change is going to happen.

scenes from 1/1/16
scenes from 1/1/16

With all of this change going on around me, I found myself repeatedly turning to the Bible for words and promises of inspiration, hope, and reassurance. Whether it was not knowing what my future held after submitting internship applications, or moving to Asheville where I didn’t know a soul, I found peace in knowing that the God of the universe had a plan for my life. There’s something so comforting in knowing that despite the constant change going on around us from day to day, we can rely on the truth and hope that the Word offers us to be a constant in our lives. I think 2015 was the year that I truly came to realize, understand, and deeply appreciate the reliance I have on the Lord and His great plans for my life. Plans that are MUCH bigger and better than mine. 

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i mean, BOOM. right?

2015 also brought with it this jazzy, updated blog of mine. Still far from professional, it has been a fun outlet for my creativity in the field of nutrition. I know last year I made a “resolution” to post one new recipe a week, which I failed miserably at, but I wholeheartedly hope to improve upon that in 2016. I found myself thinking I had to share all of these elaborate and detailed recipes, when in reality that doesn’t have to be the case at all! This year, I plan to place my focus on simple and straightforward recipes – things I regularly make for myself that I’ve received good feedback on from my instagram posts. Whether it be an easy recipe for roasted veggies or a more detailed recipe for a grain salad, I hope to supply y’all with meals and ideas you’ll actually use. If there’s ever anything you want to see more of, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or message me telling me so!! 

I do have a super easy recipe to start off 2016, and it’s my mashed acorn squash! If you’ve followed me on the ‘gram over the last month, you may remember seeing these pop up once or twice….or like, eight times. I can’t get enough!!

I’m sure most of y’all have had, or at least heard of, mashed sweet potatoes or mashed butternut squash before, right? I’ve tried my hand at mashed butternut squash a few times, but if I’m being honest with you, I haven’t loved it. At least, not when I make it myself. It always lacked flavor, and I wasn’t too keen on the texture, either. 

This Mashed Acorn Squash is an equally delicious and delightful alternative to mashed sweet potatoes - perfect for fall or winter meals!One evening while cooking dinner for myself a couple months ago, I had an acorn squash on hand that I decided to roast like I normally do. Ya know, cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and roast ’em up for 30 or so minutes. Upon pulling the halves out of the oven, I noticed they were really tender. In a moment of pure brilliance and ingenuity, I decided to scoop out the flesh of one half, throw it in a bowl with some brown sugar and cinnamon, and mash it all up. The result? Mashed acorn squash. Delicious mashed acorn squash.  
This Mashed Acorn Squash is an equally delicious and delightful alternative to mashed sweet potatoes - perfect for fall or winter meals!Upon coming home to visit my parents for my Christmas break, I introduced them to this mashed acorn squash and they both loved it as well! My mom liked them because she thought they tasted a little less sweet than mashed sweet potatoes. My dad didn’t have much to say, but he did clean his plate, so they couldn’t have been too bad, right? 


Mashed Acorn Squash
Serves 2
An equally delicious and delightful alternative to mashed sweet potatoes
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
35 min
Total Time
40 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
35 min
Total Time
40 min
  1. 1 acorn squash
  2. 1/2 - 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  3. 1/2 - 1 tsp brown sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 400*F and line baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Cut acorn squash in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds and discard.
  3. Place squash halves cut side down onto baking sheet, and roast in oven for 30 minutes, or until flesh is easily pierced with fork.
  4. Remove squash halves from oven, and carefully scoop out flesh into medium sized mixing bowl.
  5. Add ground cinnamon and brown sugar into bowl with squash, and mash with a fork until consistency resembles mashed sweet potatoes and cinnamon and brown sugar is incorporated.
  1. Make paleo by omitting the brown sugar
Clara Norfleet | Food Fitness and Faith

This Mashed Acorn Squash is an equally delicious and delightful alternative to mashed sweet potatoes - perfect for fall or winter meals!
I’m excited to see what 2016 has in store for me, and hopeful that it will bring good things for this little slice of the internet. I’m eager to put some more careful thought into my posts and content to make your reading experience as fun and interesting as possible šŸ˜€

Was 2015 a big year for you? 
What’s one recipe or meal you’d like to see me post this year? 

2 thoughts on “Mashed Acorn Squash + The Start of 2016”

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post <3 As a recent college grad who has yet to get a job I needed that bible verse! God has big plans and the unknown is scary, but I just have to trust. I know God has big plans for you and I cannot wait to see what he has in store for you! I will definitly be buying an acorn squash at the grocery store tomorrow to try out this yummy recipe!

    1. Rachael, I feel you! It can be so tough going into the “real world” jobless after going through 4 or so years of never-ending studying and sacrifice, but there’s a reason for our struggles and our heartbreaks. It seems like so often we set the standards for our lives on what the world and others around us claim to be “right”, but there is no right or wrong timeline that we must follow. God’s timing is perfect, and we just have to remember that He will allow things to happen at juuuust the right time for us. Keeping you in my prayers, because I know the company that ends up with you on their side won’t regret it!

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